Writing...Twitter (3 tweets so far...must try harder) Facebook...one status update...blog entry...one in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...2000 words (yay!), Cups of coffee...1 Cupcakes ...1
After a frustratingly dry period where I spent my time either working too many hours or staring blankly at a plain piece of paper in the desperate hope that words would appear (they didn't) it seems that all I needed was a bit of sunshine! The last two days have reached almost 60 degrees and it's February! So after a walk in my local park (picture below) and taking time to watch the ducks I felt in a much happier frame of mind! Ducks always seem happy (or maybe that's just me?) in any case it must have been just what I needed!
Afterwards I dragged myself into the city and nearest coffee shop and got stuck in, and finally I am glad to say 2,000 words later I am starting to feel a bit closer to finishing somewhere near my self imposed deadline.
Managing to squeeze writing into my daily life is sometimes a little hard as with anyone who is not fortunate enough to list author as their full time occupation, but I am determined that one day I will (you have to dream big - what's the point in aiming for average?). After leaving the coffee shop on a bit of a caffeine and sugar induced high I decided it was only right to reward my hard work and what else than a two hour cinema date with Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington would do...nothing? In that case it was just as well that's what I did and very glad of it too! Really enjoyed Safe House - although it did make me wish I had been providing first aid cover for the set!!!
Home to attempt assignment for day job studying...however the lure of Facebook and twitter proved too much and after setting up my shiny new folders I got side tracked!!! Must try harder. Perhaps I need to cut myself off from the Internet...no that would be terrible! Well any suggestions other than that are very gratefully received! Right time to log off and attempt to do some work...think I'll just check Twitter!!!!
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