Wednesday, 28 March 2012

bump back down to earth...

Totals...Twitter 9 Tweets ... Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...2500 words and finished 1st draft, Cups of coffee...1 Cupcakes ...1
Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Westlife, Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri.

Today has been a bit of a roller coaster, it's the first day of my holiday from the day job and I've planned nothing except a birthday dinner but that's not until next week so I thought it would give me ample time to sit and focus on meeting my self imposed deadline to finish the first draft of the novel I am currently writing.
Then today this happened...

Well, it happened in as much as I went to the counter and purchased them. I am sure you will agree it is a fine looking breakfast? I then sat and wrote like a woman possessed and something happened. Amazingly I finished my first draft a week early and ended up with cramp in my hand for my efforts but it was well worth it. I then walked around in the sunshine with a cheesy grin on my face feeling very pleased with myself. Not only does it mean I get to crack on with my edits now but I get my wall back...
Admittedly its not a great picture but what you are looking at is my storyboard of sorts. I got tangled in time lines for this novel so the easiest way around it for me was to map it out with the different characters and plot lines to make it more simple to manage and it worked too. Now I have a big empty wall and need to find something to put in it's place.
If this wasn't exciting enough I am getting to grips with Twitter (I think!) and last night joined in with a chat to Deborah Harkness who wrote my favourite book of the moment, A Discovery of Witches I will willingly admit I have read it more than once and also gave it to my mum for mother's day and she read it in three days and had the same reaction as me that she was gutted she had finished it and we're not able to read the next instalment until it's release on 10th July this year. I was very excited that I got responses to my questions, hopefully one day someone will have the same reaction to something I have written? I can live in hope!
Then this evening while celebrating my achievements...

Red wine. Of course!
Mid first glass I look at my phone and have received a text from my mum. She tells me her auntie had sadly passed away this morning. Right off I have to admit I have not spent much time with the relative on my mums side of the family as many of them live near the top of Scotland and I have only ever been as far as Gretna Green for a friends wedding. But of course I was saddened to hear the news and just makes you realise that no matter what is happening to you in your life good or bad there are always others worse off. From the nice things that my mum has said about her auntie she sounded like a lovely lady who had endured a difficult life at times but treated those she knew and met with immense kindness. So tonight and through this difficult time my thoughts are with those left behind. A somber note to leave it on this evening but I feel it's only right to stop here.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Small world...

Totals...Twitter 3 Tweets ... Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...600 words, Cups of coffee...1 (then substituted with peppermint tea) Cupcakes ...1
Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Matt Cardle, Snow Patrol.

There is plenty of random ramblings to follow, but I thought to start with I should talk about my reasons for today's title. Through the brief amount of time that I have been blogging, tweeting and various other things to try and make connections with fellow writers nothing has surprised me more than how small the world now seems. Already I have made connections with people in America, Canada, Ireland and too many places to mention here that far exceed the amount of places I have physically visited in my time on the planet. Believe me I would love to get to all of these places, I am a frustrated traveller - a little too nervous to travel alone so live vicariously most of the time through books and blogs.
Don't get me wrong I don't think this is a bad thing at all and it has truly opened my eyes reading about others experiences and perhaps learning and taking on board some advice. I think sometimes it is hard to make family and friends and colleagues (those of us still with day jobs) understand about the sometimes weird, wonderful and frustrating world of writing because although I may be excited about the fact that I wrote 1000 words today, it's not necessarily going to be a feeling shared but people in my life who don't write.
So for now and for as long as I am able to I am going to embrace ways to make connections, ask questions and interact with like minded individuals that understand that sometimes it would be great to have someone say 1000 words wow you must be really pleased, because yes I am!

OK as for the rest of my day it went a little like this, walking in the sunshine, drinking coffee, writing and another trip to the movies this time Bel Ami.
I have to say the reviews for this film weren't great so my expectations were not overly high, even thought I generally don't pay much attention to critics and prefer to make my own mind up about a film. I still enjoyed the film, for those very much in love with Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in the Twilight series it's a very different role and I thought he did it well. It was certainly a brave choice of film and to be honest he's a bit of a sleazy womaniser who can't keep it in his pants for much of the film nothing much sparkling here. It was also great to see Christina Ricci on form, I think she's very talented and sadly under-rated. So all in all my movie going experiences this week have been successful which is good as its rubbish to get built up to go to the cinema only to walk away disappointed.
On my walk home I decided that I wanted some flowers and the only way I was going to get them was if I bought them myself so I did...
They will brighten up my desk and hopefully smell lovely.
The rest of my day was pretty uneventful but I am pleased to say now that the reason I was so happy and sworn to secrecy at the weekend was due to one of my best friends being proposed to. I couldn't be more happy for her she has met a really nice guy and I hope if she reads this she won't mind me saying but I have never seen her happier than this and wish them both a lifetime of happiness together.
On that note it is me pretty much done for today, a day at my desk tomorrow but for studying purposes rather than writing, although if I am productive I am sure I will manage to squeeze some writing in later in the day.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Artistic licence?

Totals...Twitter 4 Tweets ... Facebook...2 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...1000 words, Cups of coffee...0 (substituted with tea today!)  Cupcakes ...1
Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Christina Perri

Amazingly today being the first of my two days off I woke up to find the sun shining. It being the first day of spring I wanted to make the most of my time off unfortunately I'd woken a bit later than I wanted to mainly due to turning off the alarm several times. I made up for it after breakfast and making the builder (working on the conservatory that will soon be finished only 12 months after it was promised but in time for the sunshine never the less!) a cup of coffee, then getting dressed in bright colours instead of the usual black and walked into the city.
This was the view from my seat at the coffee shop I sat in to write today...
Norwich is a pretty city and it was nice view and there were a lot of people walking around and lots of children too who looked as though they were on a school trip.
Throughout the day I was engaged in a text conversation with a friend who also has an interest in writing, he's having a difficult time lately but was also saying he was frustrated about not having a computer so felt unable to write. I text him this picture...

This is how I normally write, I'm too accident prone to carry a laptop around with me, not disciplined enough to stay away from Facebook and twitter and I like to see the words on the page. I know it can sometimes be a chore to type it up afterwards but for me its the first stage in my own editing process. I'm sure everyone has their own preferences and that's fine but realistically and at the most basic level all you need to write is some paper and something to write with! I am hoping I have encouraged him enough with a little push enough to get him to put pen to paper.

Feeling pretty happy with the amount of writing I got done today, I'm almost done with the final two chapters in this book, then the first draft will be complete. I decided it was only right to reward myself with a trip to the cinema.
I chose to watch a film called We Bought a Zoo with Matt Damon for two reasons; firstly I'm sure I've mentioned it but I have a bit of a thing for Matt Damon, secondly the film in question is based on a true story of a journalist called Benjamin Mee. A certain amount of artistic licence has been used the location of the zoo, the film is set in America but the zoo that the film is based on is called Dartmoor Zoological Park and is not far from where I grew up (Plymouth, England). I have been there on a number of occasions when it was called Sparkwell, but have not been recently but I really hoped that the film would capture the story well.

I have to say in all honesty I loved it but it made me cry, lots! Of course it goes without saying that Matt Damon was great but the children in the film are brilliant too, as are everyone in the film. I have to say it is a film I would watch again and recommend to others (which is why I put the trailer on here for you to see) but next time I'll make sure I have a supply of tissues. I understand why stories are changed sometimes to make the film appeal to a wider audience and I'm glad they did but I can't help feeling a little sad that it had to be Americanised!
To finish off the day a helping of sparkly vampires care of Breaking Dawn (I'm not ashamed to admit I love the Twilight saga!) with housemate was called for and now I think it's time for bed. I'm hoping tomorrow will be just as productive.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Happy happy happy!

Totals...Twitter 8 Tweets ... Facebook...2 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...0 words, Cups of coffee...3 Cupcakes ...1

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Florence and the machine

This weekend has passed by too quickly mainly due to working shifts in the day job yesterday morning and an epic thirteen hour shift today. Sadly my highlight up until a couple hours ago was the delivery of my new desk (I thought it was exciting, my colleagues however just thought I was sad and need perhaps to get out a bit more - not really sure I can disagree with them on that count!) regardless I thought I would share a picture of said desk below!

I am aware that it is only me that is excited, but it is a very welcome relief from sitting on my bed or the floor with laptop on lap or sitting behind very small computer desk I now have space! In celebration I sat down at my newly polished desk at 1730hrs and didn't look at the clock until 2130hrs...I now have my eye on (thanks to my very lovely American friend with a severe Ikea addiction) a very lovely chair that will soon be joining my lovely desk - I then have visions of never leaving my room, haven't quite figured out how I explain that to my boss but I am sure I can come up with something creative!
This evening I returned home from work feeling a little tired only to be greeted by an amazing message on my phone, I have been sworn to secrecy at the moment and I have to say the message doesn't even directly affect me but it made me very happy and as soon as I've had the embargo lifted I intend to share so watch this space... 
As I sit here this evening I have opted on listening to music through headphones, they are serving two purposes to limit the outside distractions from housemate who is currently speaking very loudly while on skype and at the same time coughing (it is possible he has man flu, although from brief interactions in the kitchen earlier it is more likely to have resulted from the excessive consumption of alcohol while at the pub watching the rugby yesterday). The second reason to drown out the song that has hijacked my brain for most of the day. The song in question is currently being used in the new o2 advert and I've put a link here for you to use and see if you can resist the urge to sing along!

If you do, you are stronger than me, I have a feeling it's going to be there for a while - perhaps I just need to find something else to replace it with? Suggestions gratefully received.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Sunshine, a welcome distraction?

Totals...Twitter 6 Tweets ... Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...500 words, Cups of coffee...2 Cupcakes ...1

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Paramore, Elbow

My writing today was mainly confined to early this morning before spending the day with my parents and nephew who are visiting from down south and my aunt and uncle who live locally. Finally the sun came out and today has been lovely.
I'm back at the day job tomorrow so I'm not too bothered if it rains! It was a distraction from my normal day off which normally revolves around how much writing I can get done, but it was a special occasion and the last day I get to spend with my parents until they go home so I'm not feeling guilty in the least.
After a quick trip to Sherringham we went on the Blickling Hall which was beautiful.

 ...the rear view of the house from the lake!
 ...surprisingly the front of Blickling Hall!

It was a lovely day for a walk and the grounds were so pretty I think I'd like to go back but perhaps next time I will take my notebook and see if I can draw some inspiration from the house and surrounding area, who knows what I could find there?!! I've decided I need to find some more interesting places to write so this is an option!
I spend most of my writing time sat in a corner of a coffee shop, plugged into some music - the type of music normally depends on the type of scene I am trying to write and notebook in front of me and pen in hand. I like it like this rather than putting straight on to a computer. I also like the fact that I have to make an effort to get up and walk into the city with the purpose of writing as if I stay at home there are always far too many distractions - even cleaning the bathroom looks like a good idea!
In terms of writing I am getting scarily close to my self imposed deadline but I think I am still on target, I only have a week or so at work then eight days off and I am going to use them to my advantage.
My deadline is my birthday 4th April so I need to get cracking and make the final push.

So my alarm is set for an early morning wake up call so I can get some writing done before work but as I've not been successful at this on so many occasions I will wait and see it I manage it!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Hacks and sugar rush!

Totals...Twitter 9 Tweets (actually by me apparently many more when my account was hacked)... Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...0(ish) words, Cups of coffee...3 Cupcakes ...0 but photographic evidence below of lunch more than makes up for this!

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Maroon 5, Elbow, Muse

I'm feeling a little vulnerable today after realising my Twitter account got hacked, it's a little annoying and I am hoping now all is sorted - but I suppose it served a purpose to make me be more vigilant in future. I realise these people's intelligence far exceeds mine but I'm at a loss really my life isn't even that interesting!
In any case the rest of today has been great - and would only have been made better if the sun actually came out! I can guarantee it will come out tomorrow and the reason I know this is because I am back at the day job tomorrow! So as is pretty much always the way we will have sunshine and amazing temperatures I am sure!

Today's photo comes courtesy of my lunch...well it was about 1130am so it was close enough!

It was pretty good, gooey chocolate mousse, nuts and bananas topped of course with maple syrup (it would have been rude not too!) I decided that this was a worthy replacement of a cupcake today thanks to the culinary expertise of The Waffle House in Norwich. It was also great to spend the day with my parents and nephew too hopefully I will get to spend more time before they return back down south on Friday. Not sure I could handle another waffle though!
I'm starting to feel a little guilty at the lack of writing so I really need to get that sorted in the next few days or I'm going to be disappointed to miss my deadline which would be a shame when I am so close. So I need to knuckle down to it as soon as possible. I am making a commitment right here that I will write at least something tomorrow, will keep you posted on the progress as always!

Monday, 12 March 2012


Totals...Twitter 7 Tweets ... Facebook...2 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...0(ish) words, Cups of coffee...3 Cupcakes ...0 must try harder tomorrow! 

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Paramore, The Script, Will Young

Today was a struggle to get out of bed after the long shifts over the weekend and the early shift this morning, I had intended to get up early and write for a bit before work - that didn't happen! But I made it to work on time and finished the shift then drove out to see my parents and nephew who are visiting from down south and staying with my aunt and uncle. As well as being on holiday they have been willing participants in assisting the complete overhaul of my aunt and uncles garden. My nephew who is seven and is ridiculously bright (I'm aware as his auntie I am biased on this topic) was very eager to tell me that as he was helping to dig they came upon a nest of rats and he hit one on the head with a spade (sorry to all rat lovers out there who may be reading this but in fairness it was not me who committed the deed!).
With the garden well under way the last task for the evening was to wait for a delivery of 10 tonnes of topsoil to be placed on the driveway, this was pretty impressive - in fact the most impressive of all was the delivery driver's determination to get the soil from the truck. This included but was not limited to chucking the spade up to loosen soil at the top of the tipped up truck, which not only failed but left said delivery driver climbing up the side of the tipped up truck to retrieve spade and knock down the soil himself...

Almost there, spade is retrieved phew!

And the soil is now a bad time to admit to a fear of heights?
It's OK, the very nice delivery driver did made it safely down, (he didn't even get scared) and tomorrow the 10 tonnes will start to make their way on the journey into the back garden.
I would like to say I helped today, but I was at my day job and only arrived as things were winding up but I did make tea and coffee so I feel I have served a vital role in the process...or will keep telling myself that so I don't feel guilty.
Pictures to follow once the lovely garden is finished, hopefully in time for the nice weather?

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Totals...Twitter 3 Tweets (in my defence I have worked a 13 hour shift!)  Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...0(ish) words, Cups of coffee...2 Cupcakes ...0

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Muse, Florence & the Machine, Marcus Foster

OK so there isn't an actual fire, but having finished a fairly tiring 13 hour shift, left work and cursing the headlight that decided to give up before I'd left work to drive home - I cooked a very quick stir fry (10 minutes a record for me including chopping, cooking and dishes - not eating!) then settled down to do what we do and multitask so I could fit some productive writing time into my day and realised I'd been a little eager with the chili and the only thing on hand to put out said fire was a nice bottle of red wine. Which as always went down a little too easily, so one and half glasses in (it would be rude not to finish it) now I find myself thinking about writing, making very little sense in a blog entry, feeling ever-so-slightly tipsy and wondering if I will wake up for my 0530hrs alarm call for another epic 13 hour shift!
So perhaps the writing is best left, but the thing is I had set my alarm for 0500hrs in order to put in some time before work but when it came to it I kept hitting the snooze. So I may be in need of some suggestions to make sure I get up when the alarm goes off, because once I'm up it's fine - it's just the getting up part I struggle with because I pretty much feel like this...

...and I'm aware I've used this pic before but I can't help loving it!!!!!
So I'm off for a relatively early night, thinking it's time for a helping of sparkly vampires care of Twilight.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Totals...Twitter 8 Tweets Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...1500(ish) words, Cups of coffee...1 Cupcakes ...1

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; James Morrison, Christina Perri

Having had two days off from my day job (I work shifts so I guess this was my weekend!) and due to the incessant rain of yesterday I spent pretty much all day refusing to go anywhere and refusing to get dressed and had a productive writing day instead which was great. This morning the sun was shinning so I went for a walk to my local park and fed the ducks...

Yes, we have clever ducks here, they even have a special crossing!

In any case after my walk I felt inspired to write again and am amazed at my productivity even if I did occasionally get sidetracked by the lure of facebook and twitter - but 1500 words down and I have broken 100,000 words and am almost through with the intially writing phase of this novel which is very different from my last, in that its funny - well I hope it is I tested the first few pages on a friend who spat out her cup of tea (I'm hoping that was a good sign? Who knows!).
Unfortunately I got lost in my own little world and kept typing and finally got up and realised I must have the most uncomfortable chair in the world - OK maybe not world but Norwich at least because my bottom is incredibly before any further two day writing marathon's I'm seriously going to have to re-think the chair situation. I have an exercise ball which is quite comfy to sit on, unfortunately I wouldn't be able to reach the keyboard. All suggestions gratefully received and yes I know I should have had a break but I was engrossed in what I was doing and didn't want to stop.

I'm a little sad that I won't have so much time to write over the next few days as I am back at my day job (which I love by the way) but it infringes upon writing time!
As well as this a welcome distraction in the form of my parents and seven year old nephew are coming to visit I've not seen them since Christmas so I will allow myself time off the writing for that, because as it stands it looks like I'm going to meet my self imposed deadline!!!
Time to get up out of this chair, that's all for tonight!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Sugar rush!

Totals...Twitter 10 Tweets  Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...500(ish) words, Cups of coffee...1 Cupcakes ...1 (and I made 10 does that count?)
Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Coldplay but now feeling a bit glum, may need to change it soon!

Got home today feeling exhausted more so than after working a 13 hour shift, so in order to off load baked some cupcakes cakes the result is better than therapy...

Although am feeling slightly concerned that I'd opened a nice bottle of red wine while I cooked and it went down a little too easily and now I'm not hungry...not so sure that is a good thing!

I managed to get a little writing done this morning before the day job which is just as well as I'm not sure I'm good for much now, however two days off now so I have nothing planned and am hoping to be productive and possibly even get somewhere close to finished (that's the aim anyway!) until then I think I'm going to sign off with a short entry this evening in the hope I will feel more productive in the morning!


Monday, 5 March 2012

Not really feeling it!

Totals...Twitter 7 Facebook...0 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...100 words, Cups of coffee...0 Cupcakes ...0 (perhaps this is the cause of my issues will remedy this immediately with a cup of coffee!!)

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Marcus Foster - Nameless Path (am a little bit in love with his album it's on repeat at the moment!)

After the lovely sunshine and heat of the past week it was inevitable that it had to end soon, and it did last night as I drove home from work it was raining and snowing and today it has not stopped raining all day. We don't get a huge amount of rain here so I suppose it was needed but does it have to be so wet?
Feeling a bit grey and miserable I decided it was time for a spring clean and as a result re-arranged the study area, my bookcase, did some washing and cleaned the bathroom and then thought about writing. But then I had a cup of tea, read a writing magazine, read a bit of a book, had another cup of tea, checked twitter, thought about going onto facebook, had another cup of tea and then actually wrote 100 words...surfed the Internet and found my new desk chair on ikea website...dreamt about how good my new desk chair would look in room then gave up to blog!
Am hoping that the jiggle around of furniture will inspire me so will keep you posted on that, unfortunately I'm pretty certain I know why I've been lacking focus, I think life got in the way a bit. It's been a tough time at work over the past few days and that has clearly affected my mood. So I have a plan...I'm going to allow myself this evening, then tomorrow I'm going to get up and smile (even if it is still raining) and start over!
Obviously an integral part in the plan is to find a cupcake...I'm having sugar withdrawals I'm sure after being on a health kick for over a week...having had to replenish my fruit bowl twice I fear I may have to re-title the blog, how does Writing...peppermint tea and apples sound? Pants? Yes I thought so too - I shall just have to ensure consumption of said items tomorrow!'s some I made earlier!
Off to read in the hope I feel inspired...may be a chick lit evening...

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Totals...Twitter 5 tweets...Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...0 words, Cups of coffee...0 Cupcakes ...0 (13 hour shift ate into my writing time...added to the fact I overslept big time!
Music mostly on my itunes this evening; nothing, watching Celebrity Juice and getting way too side-tracked.

So today after a couple of interesting and trying days personally and professionally it got me thinking that perhaps it's time to get a new pet but to be honest I'm a bit stumped and open to suggestions.
I had a great pet until May last year and he kept me company when I wrote;

This was Marvin, as you can see he was a bit daft and none too clever when looking for a place to sleep. Fairly often I would get an enforced break from writing when he would lay across the keyboard of my laptop and normally fart. So he was a bit of a character and I am unable to have another cat at present so I am exploring other options...

 In an ideal world I think I'd probably like a penguin, these ones are so clever they can even use a zebra crossing! Although they are a little stinky!
Another possibility is a pygmy hedgehog, very cute am already a little bit in love with this picture (its probably the ears!) but I'm not so sure about the idea of a hedgehog that lives indoors...not sure that's right. Fish are out of the question I tried that once and it got to the embarrassing stage when I almost once a week I had to go and buy replacements,  I'm still not even sure what I did wrong. But it turned out to be pretty expensive. A hamster is another option I've had lots in the past they are easy to look after and quite entertaining and then I saw this...

 Not sure it would make a pet and added to that dormice are protected so I'd more than likely get into a lot of trouble but it's probably the cutest video I've seen for a while! So back to the drawing board...

Friday, 2 March 2012

Very nearly squished!

Totals from 1st March having been too traumatised to blog, more of which later!...Twitter (14 Tweets) Facebook...3 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...500 words, Cups of coffee...2 Cupcakes ...1 (if a lemons an poppy seed muffin counts?)

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; nothing, too traumatised watching mindless scary films and drinking red wine with a friend instead!

So today started out pretty nicely, the sun was shining, got a good amount of writing done and met my Aunt for lunch - it's a shame the same couldn't be said for the afternoon. After collecting car and having the sinking feeling in my stomach when something didn't feel right I called on the assistance of my local AA man for help; feeling a little embarrassed owing to the fact I was currently parked in a multi-story car park in a shopping mall.
After a very quick call back I was told he was fifteen minutes away so I headed back to the car to meet him. Feeling very foolish when I threatened all sorts of things to the car if it was going to cost the earth to repai,r including having it squished and afterwards having never really felt much love for said car I actually relished the idea a bit about seeing it squished...perhaps I could even have a little dance on top of it afterwards?
After the very nice AA man looked at it and told me that my brakes had seized we drove very carefully down to his truck in the bowels of the mall to the loading bay car park, where he investigated and pulled off the first wheel. Made a few clucking sounds and then told me it perhaps wouldn't be as bad as I thought to fix. (I have to admit I was a little let down having worked out my dance moves ready for dancing onto of the squished metal block that I had imagined!) Leaving me he went to get the required items and left me alone and jacked up.
Of course a lorry arrived (why wouldn't it?) and wanted to pull into the bay alongside of me which was currently inhabited by a member of staff. Things happened a bit quickly from there, one minute I saw the drivers mate talking to the car driver who had returned to move his car. Then looked down into my bag to find something and it was like things happened in slow motion. I looked up and saw the car reversing and the lorry reversing and before I could get out of the car to shout or do anything the lorry had just about pinned the car against the concrete pillar and made a fair mess of the side and back of the car while I stood resembling a goldfish. The very nice AA man returned to find this after it had only just happened and to find me pretty shocked to the point I threw up. I think I was more embarrassed. Luckily no-one was hurt, apart from the poor car.
Still somewhat shocked I collected a friend who was staying the night and she force fed me red wine!
She is an excellent friend! Obviously red wine cures everything!!!
I suppose if anything good were to come from this it would be an excellent incident to include in a book! Who knows.
Phew what a long post hope I didn't lose you somewhere along the way.