Thursday, 15 March 2012

Sunshine, a welcome distraction?

Totals...Twitter 6 Tweets ... Facebook...1 status updates in progress...actual productive writing of my novel...500 words, Cups of coffee...2 Cupcakes ...1

Music mostly on my itunes this evening; Paramore, Elbow

My writing today was mainly confined to early this morning before spending the day with my parents and nephew who are visiting from down south and my aunt and uncle who live locally. Finally the sun came out and today has been lovely.
I'm back at the day job tomorrow so I'm not too bothered if it rains! It was a distraction from my normal day off which normally revolves around how much writing I can get done, but it was a special occasion and the last day I get to spend with my parents until they go home so I'm not feeling guilty in the least.
After a quick trip to Sherringham we went on the Blickling Hall which was beautiful.

 ...the rear view of the house from the lake!
 ...surprisingly the front of Blickling Hall!

It was a lovely day for a walk and the grounds were so pretty I think I'd like to go back but perhaps next time I will take my notebook and see if I can draw some inspiration from the house and surrounding area, who knows what I could find there?!! I've decided I need to find some more interesting places to write so this is an option!
I spend most of my writing time sat in a corner of a coffee shop, plugged into some music - the type of music normally depends on the type of scene I am trying to write and notebook in front of me and pen in hand. I like it like this rather than putting straight on to a computer. I also like the fact that I have to make an effort to get up and walk into the city with the purpose of writing as if I stay at home there are always far too many distractions - even cleaning the bathroom looks like a good idea!
In terms of writing I am getting scarily close to my self imposed deadline but I think I am still on target, I only have a week or so at work then eight days off and I am going to use them to my advantage.
My deadline is my birthday 4th April so I need to get cracking and make the final push.

So my alarm is set for an early morning wake up call so I can get some writing done before work but as I've not been successful at this on so many occasions I will wait and see it I manage it!!

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