Cups of coffee...2...cupcake...1 (home made gluten free with mini dinosaurs on it!!)
Mostly on Spotify this morning...Birdie, James Bay, John Mayer.
So in an attempt to once again re-kindle my motivation for blogging I have been sent a proverbial kick up the rear by a friend , thank you so much! But here goes with my list...
Wilbur |
Archie invasion |
Milo rocking his bow tie |
My Dad |
Me and my fiancée! |
I don't have many family members that live close by apart from
My Mum and Milo |
in Devon. Since moving here I have made some amazing friends and they fulfil the role of surrogate family and I truly value the friendships made. But I don't think I have really appreciated how far away my family live, that is until recently on one of my many 'Bridezilla' mega meltdowns! The fact that by default I get to become part of another amazing family very soon makes me feel really happy.
3. PENGUINS!!! obviously! I can't help it and think as the years pass I may actually love these little creatures even more, and besides my pets they also have the ability to make me smile even on the most rubbish of days!
4. Baking.
There is nothing better than coming home from a stressful day than baking, at the moment I am trying to perfect my decorating skills in readiness for tackling our wedding cake for October. I guess I am basically a feeder, but people seem to like my cakes and I get the practice - what's not to love?!
5. The Water, growing up almost a stones throw away from some of the most amazing beaches in the UK I think I was spoilt, so nothing makes me happier than being next to the sea or any body of water. I could sit for hours and am sad that
I haven't done that as much as I would have liked recently. Definitely something I intend to change.
6. Norwich, my new (or not so new) town. I have been reliably informed that you do not become a native until you have lived in Norfolk for 30 years + so having been here for a little over five years I guess I have a way to go yet!
7. My paid job, I guess I am in a lucky position in that I really enjoy the job I do and like Peach this is in the NHS and I feel privileged that I get to play a small part in our patients recovery.
8. My unpaid (at the moment!) job, as much as I hate to admit my writing has really taken a back seat to studying and wedding planning at the moment. My first novel has been completed for some time I am just waiting to finalise the cover then make the decision on self publishing or not. There is no doubt in my mind that I am a happier person when I make time to write so I am going to have to make a conscious effort to fit more in.
9. Making things, many of the things I have been making recently I can't post on here yet as they are top secret until the wedding, but making things remind me of my Nan who is sadly no longer with us. I always remember her making something!
Hummus & avocado waffle |
Chocolate mousse waffleyloviness |
11. My writing cave, it's kind of my little sanctuary, no boys allowed!
12. New York - my favourite holiday ever, and hoping to go back in the new year.
13. Dinosaurs! I haver n no idea about the why or the origin of this but I am the proud owner of a triceratops called Trevor who sits on my bookshelf in my cave.
14. Fairy lights, not just at Christmas!
15. Tea, I drink lots.
16. Noodles made from courgettes my new favourite thing.
17. The Waffle House in Norwich.
18. Music, I can totally be without a television but would be miserable without music or a radio.
19. Wagamama's enough said!
20. Spin classes (needed to balance out the food!!) is it wrong to enjoy 45 minutes of being beasted by a fitness instructor?21. Walking home in the rain.
22. Snow.
23. The fact that I graduated completing a foundation degree while working full time and actually enjoyed studying!
24. Plymouth Hoe, one of my favourite places when I go home.
25. Ice cream.
26. Getting my nails done.
27. Lazy days off with nothing planned.
28. Being spontaneous.
29. Crazy golf (my new favourite thing!)
30. My pj's!
31. Meeting and making new friends - took me a while when moving to a new place.
32. Old friends and the fact you may not speak often but when you do it's like nothing has changed.
33. Train rides.
34. Things that are spotty and meant to be that way!
35. Crazy cousins.
36. Unexpected gifts.
37. My Dad on Facebook.
38. Knitting - when its all going to plan.
39. My obsession with Ryan Reynolds (sorry David).
40. My obsession with Sandra Bullock (not sorry!)
41. Not having to work nightshifts anymore.
42. Brussel sprouts
43. Yoga.
44. New notebooks and my fountain pen (normally means I have found some time to write).
45. Purple.
46. My bath tub its huge!
47. Laughing so much it makes you cry.
48. Covering my grey hair (thanks to my Dad's faulty genes)
49. Cinema trips.
50. Peach Jones the person who nominated me for this!
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